Olesia Wais, Ph.D

For over 10 years I have been developing my passion for the civil aviation industry. First as a graduate of Aviation Management studies in English, then as a lecturer of subjects related to civil aviation management, and also as an academic researcher.

My adventure with the aviation industry started in 2010 with a bachelor in Aviation Management at university in Poland. During my studies I had the pleasure to learn from esteemed professionals and lecturers on the various topics related to the aviation industry. During my studies I took part in the Erasmus Exchange Program and spent one semester in Turkey.

After finishing my studies I have started my academic career. During my time as a lecturer I had a privilege to teach classes in the area of introduction into aviation management, airport management, and aviation and environment.

My academic career was also filled with research about aviation management. I had the pleasure of taking part in multiple international scientific conferences on various topics regarding the aviation industry. My scientific pursuits took me to Greece, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Spain.

In order to understand the aviation industry better I have also visited various business conferences and meetings. Gaining perspective of both the scientific and industry community is a crucial way of understanding issues and possible solutions of the aviation industry. During COVID-19 pandemic I took part in many meetings and conferences online.

As a part of my academic career I have also published multiple scientific articles in journals with Impact Factor in collaboration with Polish and International scholars.

In 2022 I finished my PhD in the field of economics. The topic of my dissertation was “Shaping the competitive position of a network carrier on the Polish air transport services market based on the example of Lufthansa AG”.

During my PhD I gained in-depth experience with desk and empirical research. My desk research was based on analysis of secondary data, reports and scientific literature. During my primary research I gained experience with planning and executing a questionnaire in cooperation with the online access panel. Data from research presented insight into the preferences and needs of customers on the airline market and the impact it has on the competitive position of air operators.

Wanting to share my passion for aviation with others I started an Aviation Management Academy blog in 2023. Here, I share my insights gained from my PhD journey and use my experience and skills to bring the aviation industry closer to everyone interested.